Strategic Partner of the conference


We are a thriving and the most recognized organization, bringing together manufacturers and distributors of medical devices operating on the Polish market. What do we do? We initiate legislative changes, We react in the case of draft legislation unfavorable to the industry, We participate in public consultations, We are a partner for decision makers (Ministry of Health, NFZ, URPLWMiPB, AOTMiT, etc.), We inform and advise, We organize training, We integrate the industry environment, We shape and disseminate ethical principles We publicize important topics for the industry, We conduct campaigns and conferences, We emphasize the importance of the medical device industry. Why join us? We represent and support companies operating in the medical device industry. We make sure that we provide entities operating in the industry with a friendly and transparent business environment. Member companies have the opportunity to report industry problems, which we try to solve efficiently, including through interventions with decision-makers. Member companies also have the opportunity to participate free of charge in, among other things, weekly meetings with a lawyer, during which the legal news of the week is discussed, as well as questions submitted in advance.


Meden-Inmed was founded in 1989 as a company employing two people. Since then, it has gained a strong market position through hard work and reliability. Initially a small distributor of a few renowned manufacturers, now a dynamic company with over 360 employees – professionals in the fields of electronics, mechanics, economy, sales and marketing. In 2019, Meden Inmed company celebrated its 30th anniversary. Company, manufacturing high-quality medical and rehabilitation equipment as well as equipment for Wellness centers. Modern rehabilitation combines specialized knowledge with state of the art technology. We knew that when we started our own production plant in 1996 and are even more convinced of it now, when we create new products and widen our offer of medical devices each year. We make sure they are modern, efficient, comfortable and user friendly. We are always happy to see new ideas turn into new products. Every product we have sold proves the trust our customers have placed in us. Behind every device we deliver there is a long-term relationship. Our customers consciously select a supplier that not only deliver the equipment, but can also guarantee quality and professional service. It has always been our duty and our motto.

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